Welcome to Yoga Ocean View

Yoga means something different to each person. It might be a way to stretch out the muscles and develop a warm, pleasant buzz from the gentle exercise, or it might be a chance to quieten the busy mind for a while. Whether you are an accomplished yogi or an absolute beginner, Yoga Ocean View is the perfect place to commence or continue your tranquil journey.

At nature’s doorstep, high above the bustle and smog, you will have the opportunity to relax and unwind on the purpose-built, all-weather yoga deck, with the calls of a hundred birds and the whisper of the breeze to stir your senses. Jo, your instructor, will guide you through 70 minutes of peaceful exercise that will leave you refreshed, restored and ready to take on whatever the week throws at you.

Yoga is for everyone, and you owe it to yourself to give it a try. Your time at Yoga Ocean View may well be the most fulfilling in your day.  All levels of experience are catered to, and men and women of all ages are welcome to come and find a few moments of peace in their hectic lives.

We look forward to sharing the yoga deck with you and guiding you further along your road to contentment, peace and understanding.
